Hi, IMPORTANT! IF YOU ARE SEEING THIS TEXT, you did NOT type your CUSTOMIZED website correctly! Go to the bot in the lower right corner at FusionStarReviews.com and get your correct website. You will need your CustomerID or the email for your account!

You may just need to HARD refresh this website (if you DID use your custom URL). Click for instructions!

Printable Resources for you!

Your review image for your customers to create and share:

For now, please email support@FusionStarReviews.com or text 385-215-9573 for any changes, but soon you will be able to easily make your own changes!

Instruction pages for your customers. They can use the QR code or URL to initiate the review image creation and sharing themselves!

Trifold Image 8.5" X 11"

You can print this image on a full sheet of paper then fold and tape it to stand on it's own! That way you DO NOT need a plastic holder. We recommend using these to try things out and then if you are going to use the system long term, order the acrylic stands at the bottom of the page and use the full page prints. To get this image printed,  just save to your phone and email to your computer or, on a computer, right click and open in a new tab to print!

Business Card Style 3.5" X 2"

Business cards review share requests are great for service type businesses (Plumbers, pest control, mobile mechanics etc). You can just hand these to customers and ask them to do a review share on their facebook to earn your promotion. Rember- you are going to have the best chance of getting customers to refer your business if they do it RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

These can definitely also be used at a brick and mortar business, but we recommend using a regular sign/display and get them to create and share their review right away in your business. The card could encourage them to leave it later and not get around to it. To get this image printed,  just save to your phone and email to your computer or, on a computer, right click and save the image. You will want to then submit the image to a print shop to print out and cut the business cards for you!

Full Paper Image 8.5" X 11"

You can print this image on a full sheet of paper. Just save to your phone and email to your computer or right click and open in a new tab to print!

This is your printable customer invite to create a review image and share it.

Half Paper Image 5.5" X 8.5"

You can print two of these images per full sheet of paper, and they are a little smaller if space at your sales counter or customer tables/area is limited. Just save to your phone and email to your computer or right click and open in a new tab to print!

This is a smaller version (half a printed paper) of your printable customer invite to create a review image and share it.

There are acrylic/plastic sign holders you can purchase at big box stores or online to place the QR code invites in around your place of business!

Make sure to look for ones that are 8.5 inches WIDE/WIDTH  and 5.5 inches TALL/HEIGHT to use the half size images above. (Skip the sponsored results at the link)